About Our Worship

 About Our Worship

Sunday Worship Service


  • For Christians shaped by Luther’s insights, worship is about God speaking to us, about being encountered by the voice at the heart of the universe. (This involves preaching, which we care about a lot, but the music, the prayers, etc. are also meant to speak to us.)

  • Our worship is sometimes formal and sometimes casual and often both.

  • Everybody is welcome

  • Children are welcome

  • We celebrate communion every week

  • Everyone is invited to share in communion if they wish (including children).

  • The form of worship doesn’t matter as much as the message of Grace

  • Lutherans generally kept the historic form of the church’s liturgy – but changed it to the language of the people (because it is about a message being spoken to us, not a ritual being done for God).

  • We think there is value in this historic form of worship. It works to speak to our lives, and it is a helpful reminder that we are not the first and only Christians, but are part of a community that stretches back through time and around the world.

Los Altos Lutheran Church worship services draw together members of the community to hear the Word of God and receive the holy sacraments according to the gospel. We believe that we receive forgiveness of sins and righteousness through Jesus Christ.